Local Rules

Local Rules

Out of Bounds (Rule 18)
 Out of bounds is defined by the line between the course-side points at ground level of white stakes and fence posts and
beyond boundary hedges
 The Clubhouse, patio and paved areas including all retaining walls and kerbs
 In or beyond the ditches behind the 6th green and the 13th green
 Beyond the line of white stakes left of the 6th hole and right of the 11th hole
 The practice ground right of the 10th hole
 The practice area between the 9th and 10th holes as defined by white posts

Penalty Areas (Rule 17)
 Any unmarked ditch not out of bounds is a red penalty area

Abnormal Course Conditions including Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16)
Relief may be taken at the player’s option for:
 Ground under repair as defined by white lines and/or GUR signs
 Fissures (open cracks) in the ground in parts of the general area cut to fairway height or less
 Tyre ruts in soil (deep ruts, not faint impressions and not compressed grass)
 Drainage lines
 Fixed course furniture including distance marker discs
 Artificially surfaced paths
 Sprinkler heads
 Immovable obstructions near green
(as an additional option) if obstruction is-
o In general area cut to fairway height or less
o On the line of play and;
o Within two club-lengths of the putting green and;
o Within two club-lengths of the ball
Exception – No relief if the chosen line of play is clearly unreasonable

No Play Zones (play prohibited; relief must be taken)
 Ground under repair as defined by blue lines
 Interference from a staked tree anywhere except for a ball lying in a penalty area
 Interference from any cultivated flower or shrub area

Movable Obstructions (Rule 15)
 Bunker rakes and holders
 Directional marker posts
 Distance marker posts
 Any stake not defining or indicating out of bounds

Wrong Green (Rule 13)
 Any green (including practice greens and temporary greens) on the course other than the putting green for the hole the
player is playing, including the normal green for a hole where a temporary green is being used

Dropping Zones
 When a player is using a dropping zone, the relief area is defined by the dropping zone. The ball must be dropped in
and come to rest in the dropping zone. If the dropping zone is defined by a line on the ground the line is inside the
dropping zone

General Penalty i.e. 2 strokes in stroke play & loss of hole in match pay.

Distances from marker posts and discs are to the centre of greens