WHS Course Index Tables

World Handicap System
Slope Rating Table and Updates

The World Handicap System (WHS) is calculated using your best 8 scores from your most recent 20 qualifying scores.To ensure your HI is as accurate as possible, you will need to have entered 20 qualifying scores.

Lower entries may reduce the accuracy of your HI. This may mean that you get a lower HI than you would have expected. If you think the
entry of 20 qualifying scores will be difficult, please remember that you may enter 9 and 18 hole supplementary cards.

Your new HI will be portable (recognised) worldwide. By referring your HI to the course slope rating (a measure of the difficulty of the course) your Course Handicap (CH) will be calculated. The average worldwide slope rating is 113. Bishop’s Stortford will have a rating of 130 for the white tees.

You may hear many things being said about the WHS that cause you some concern, but please be assured that there is nothing to worry about. The PSI system will do all the calculations when you log-on to play. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to approach members of the club handicap committee for further clarification. Further bulletins will be issued as we progress and the latest 2024 update can be seen below.